Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Argument Against Transhumanism Religion - 1469 Words

The Arguments Against Transhumanism The biggest opponent to transhumanism is religion due to their fundamental views on life. Religion has played a large part in our culture, especially the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that believe in a single, all powerful God. Because of the popularity and deep rooted history of these religions, their central beliefs on what it means to be human have become ingrained in our subconscious. Abrahamic religions view death as a natural part of life and as a step towards salvation (if you obeyed the rules of your religion). Pious people hold the view that â€Å"†¦ it is the body that will be redeemed and glorified. This is in striking contrast to those transhumanists who see the body not just as a transient phase of human development but as an impediment to future human fulfillment.† (Green) This highlights the fundamental belief of the majority of people on the planet: death is an expression of God’s plan for them that they must follow. Heaven , God’s kingdom where people go after they die if they are deemed worthy, is actively sought out by numerous people as they believe that this is what God has asked of them. Death plays a vital role as it shapes the way these people go about life. Even without the religious context, the inevitability of death is something that no one can deny. Every single human that has been born has died or will die at some point. We have formed rituals and practices around death, like the burying orShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Science And Technology1856 Words   |  8 Pagesfind ourselves faced with more and increasingly difficult questions. Every generation, every era, has its own culmination of moral dilemmas and ethical quandaries that challenge what we believe of ourselves and the world around us. Ideas of race, religion, animals and sentience, god and man—among others—have pressed us into reconsidering what we believe and progressed our knowledge pertaining to not only the physical world, but the metaphysical. In this flurry of philosophy, we have come to ask, whatRead MoreEssay on Transhumanism: The Drive for Perfection2249 Words   |  9 Pagesreasonable, with humanitys diseases like cancer and AIDS and disorders like mental retardation and social anxiety disorder. With genetic enhancements, diseases will become the material of history textbooks and But according to Francis Fukuyama, transhumanism might not be such a great idea. He criticizes the transhumanist movement as the destroyer of equality, asserting that the rich who can afford gene enhancement will become the genetic elite while the less rich will become left behind in the genetic

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